Getting a credit card when you have a small business is a lot easier online than most people think. You can find out in minutes whether you are approved and have the card within days. Here are a few things to consider if you want to apply for one:
- Small Business credit cards keep it separate from personal
- Easy Itemization for your taxes and accountant
- This will start your business credit building
- Some offer special rewards for businesses
- Pre-set limits for employees
Applying is simple enough. Go online to your bank. Click on new accounts and then click on business accounts and then checking. Fill in the appropriate information they ask for. They may have you sign electronically or you may have to send or fax some identification to them when you will find out if you are approved.
After you are approved, make all your payments on time. This will build up your business credit. Go over all you statements carefully and watch for errors. Enjoy!