Going online with your banking these days can even you more freedom. You don’t just have to have a savings account anymore. You can now do your mortgages as well as all your other banking. There are so many advantages to this too including:
Every online mortgage company and bank will compete for your banking by offering you lower rates.
- They will offer you free checking
- Some will give you 50.00 to open a account
- You will get 6 months to 1 year free interest on personal loans
- You will get low interest rates on auto loans
Every bank will try to offer you more than the others to get your business. Just be careful and watch the fine print. They may offer it to you and come to find out by the time you sign your papers its past the date or it only refers to online only. Check everything out first.
But the best advantage to having your mortgage online is you can always check your balance and know how much you have paid and such. Plus you can pay all your bills at one time.